Posted 15 Oct 2020

8min read


Do this 5 things

It’s mind boggling how often throughout our life we go from feeling happy and content with what we have and where we are, to feeling unsatisfied. Perhaps something changed, either on the exterior or within us.
We start to feel that all is going wrong, we just want to get out of the situation we find ourselves in, but we are not quite sure how, or we are afraid to make any changes because in reality part of us feels guilty to be dissatisfied,  “everything is actually ok”, we tell ourselves. Although we may not be happy in a certain situation or area in our life, we may feel safe by the way things are.
At times, we may not even be aware of the reason for the unsatisfied feelings we have. This is often our subconscious mind way of communicating with us, flagging to us that we need to pay more attention to our inner self, go within and reflect on our life, actions as well as bringing awareness to our thoughts.
Our subconscious mind always finds a way to bring to the surface what we deep down are not really happy about, or an issue that for one reason or another we never really took time to reflect on, or we may even have suppressed it.

An intense dissatisfaction feeling often means that likely is time for a change. The change can be internal or external, small or big but that’s up to you to assess, and decide what you really need.
The reality is that Life is always propelling us to move, grow, adapt, progress, experiment, transform, everything in this world naturally grows, expands, nothing remains the same. As well as with us humans on a physical as well as spiritual level.

However, you don’ t need to go through this ever evolving and changing process the hard way; feeling depleted of your energy, hopeless, angry, stuck or frustrated. On this post I’ll give you 5 steps you can take to shift that stuck energy to a more flowing one which in turn will lead to a more positive outcome.

1) Let Go

Adaya Nova  Art
Adaya Nova Art

Now you may feel like the world’s about to collapse in your head, overwhelmed, worried, so you think you need to do, do, do, until you sort everything out and find a solution. However, if you are not in a clear state of mind the decisions you make my not be the cleaver ones, and you may end up digging yourself even deeper. Let go of the need to control everything, and allow the universe divine intelligence to guide you, by that I am not saying to be passive, but to allow yourself to take a step back and wait until you are energetically in a better place to receive divine guidance instead of acting out of fear and worry.
Things can even start to change without you having to do anything.

You can say the following affirmation to help you ease in and tune in with the divine intelligence:

“There´s nothing for me to do right now, I trust the universal mind will take care of it”

2) Trust what is

Starting by shifting your perception of the negative emotion you may be feeling or the present situation as “bad.” Instead, you can look at the difficult emotions as our loving subconscious mind giving us the opportunity to evaluate your life, reflect and make positive changes.

Have you thought that the current experience that you may perceive as unpleasant, may actually take you to a beneficial direction that you may never have thought about, or even considered? Be patient knowing that soon you will see the bigger picture and reach a positive outcome.

You can use the below affirmation to ease your worry out: 

” the universe always has my back, Things are always working for me, I am protected and cared for”

3) Meditate- Relax and get in touch with your Inner compass.

Simon Migaj Photo

Even though when we feel anxious silent meditation can be a challenge, we can always sit with it and observe our feelings and thoughts without engaging with them. Again is about taking time to really listen to ourselves, to check in inside, see how do we feel, face our inner turmoil,not only to get to the root of the issue but also for clarity.

It can take some practice to get to that stage, if you’re not an experienced meditator, you can start with listening to guided meditations.

While you are in a meditative relaxed state you are allowing the universal intelligence guidance to come, this intelligence in fact resides within you. As you get yourself in a higher vibrational state you’ll find it easier to get in touch with your inner wisdom as well as receive divine guidance, trust me it will come! Sometimes may be in a very loud and obvious way, other times it can be in a very subtle way, through a sense of knowing.

Find here for one of my favourite guided meditation- and it’s just a minute-long!

But extremely effective! You may want to use your headphones for a greater experience.

4) Start a gratitude practice

Let go. Emotional and mental health. Holistic counseling, Winchester, Southampton , Eastleigh, London

We often take things for granted and overlook the things to be grateful for in life, focusing mostly on what’s going wrong.
The problem here is that we always get more of what we focus on.
Gratitude practice can be in various forms, be it daily prayer, writing things you are grateful for, bringing mindfulness to your life and appreciate the little things in life, among others.
I for example, like to use it through bringing in mindfulness in everyday activities, such as in conversation with my partner. For example at the end of the most days me and my partner often ask each other which part of our day did we enjoyed the most, and if there is any person in particular with whom we relished interacting with, a part of each other of course.

6) Spend time doing things you love

Get out, do things you love, meet your friends, go for a drink, walk the dogs, exercise, dance, get those endorphins pumping. Get away from being focus on the issue, worried and anxious and do more of what you enjoy doing.
Doing activities you love helps to balance your brain chemicals and this is good for decision making.
To summarize, the best way to navigate through chaos is by keeping calm, positive, and trusting what is. Once you reach that state, and feel more at ease then you are at a much better position to get in to action, but this will have to be for a 2nd part of this post.

                                                                                       From my heart to yours.

Well Life Wellbeing UK

Luz Castro is a fully qualified Holistic Counsellor and Hypnotherapist with extensive experience working in mental health, supporting people on a 1:1 basis as well as delivering wellbeing courses, you can find more info here. 

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